Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Remote Control Saga Update

It has now been three weeks since I sent my "Aladino" fireplace insert remote control to the local distributor of Thermorossi. It is very fortunate that the weather has warmed and I do not need the fireplace, because there is absolutely no guessing on when I'll have it back, or even if it will be a new remote control or the old one repaired. Talking with the local distributor, I was amazed to hear that they are so fed up with Thermorossi, cleaning after their mess on numerous occasions, trying to talk to them and facing a wall, that they have decided to stop promoting their products.
Thermorossi is unresponsive, uncaring and has no regard for their customers and distributors. They speak of quality standards, of regulations and of lawyers, but they do not care for the needs of their customers. Plus they sell badly designed products and refuse to acknowledge or do something about it.