So, I got the new remote and I received its charger yesterday. What a joy! Now I can finally feel secure to use my Thermorossi/Lazarou fireplace, while the weather is getting chilly.
Alas! How naive I am. The new remote does not work. Yes, it is also faulty! The charger fits loosely, the (new) batteries do not retain charge and the screen is not readable!
I can expect that from the Italians. After all, they (Thermorossi) have proven that they have no quality control whatsoever (along with customer support and manners). But the local distributor/support? Tzakia Lazarou? Who have sent a faulty remote once before? Shouldn't they have checked the "new" remote before sending it? Most definitely. Did they check it? Oh no, they did not! They are just box movers, enjoying the profit while accepting no obligations.
So here I am again, with a faulty remote, unable to use my "quality" Thermorossi/Lazarou fireplace, with the weather getting chilly.
I suppose I deserve it for not having taken legal meassures against them, or at least making them eat their faulty and badly designed product.
Alas! How naive I am. The new remote does not work. Yes, it is also faulty! The charger fits loosely, the (new) batteries do not retain charge and the screen is not readable!
I can expect that from the Italians. After all, they (Thermorossi) have proven that they have no quality control whatsoever (along with customer support and manners). But the local distributor/support? Tzakia Lazarou? Who have sent a faulty remote once before? Shouldn't they have checked the "new" remote before sending it? Most definitely. Did they check it? Oh no, they did not! They are just box movers, enjoying the profit while accepting no obligations.
So here I am again, with a faulty remote, unable to use my "quality" Thermorossi/Lazarou fireplace, with the weather getting chilly.
I suppose I deserve it for not having taken legal meassures against them, or at least making them eat their faulty and badly designed product.
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